Mary the Mother of Jesus

The wife of Joseph and mother of Jesus.

Mary bore a son and named
him Jesus
(Luke 1:31)


The gospels of Matthew and Luke tell that Mary was a virgin who lived in Nazareth in Galilee. An angel announced that through the power of the Holy Spirit she would conceive and bear a son, Jesus. Mary soon went to visit her relative Elizabeth, who was going to give birth to John the Baptist. Mary accompanied Joseph to Bethlehem where Jesus was born in a stable. According to Luke 2, Mary went to the Temple for purification after the birth.  There Simeon and Anna recognized that through Mary’s child redemption would come to Israel. According to Matt 2, Mary, Joseph and Jesus fled to Egypt after the birth because Herod was angry, but after Herod’s death they returned to Nazareth. When Jesus was twelve, Mary and Joseph took him to Jerusalem, lost track of him, but later found him in the Temple. During Jesus’ adult life, Mary was present when Jesus turned water into wine at Cana (John 2:1-12). At one time Mary was among those who sought to restrain Jesus (Mark 3:21,31). She was present at the cross with the beloved disciple when Jesus said, “Woman, behold your son” (John 19:26).

Luke 1:26-38 – Jesus’ birth foretold
Luke 1:39-56 – Mary and Elizabeth
Luke 2:1-20 – Jesus’ birth
John 2:1-11 – Wedding at Cana
John 19:25-27 – At the crucifixion

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