Daily Devotional

To You O God

As rain falls on parched land; so my soul cries out to you, God As winter snows purify; so my heart longs for, even yearns for, the courts of my God. Create in me O God, a steadfast and certain surety, make of me o Lord, an instrument of your will From the heights of heaven, you have declared your bountiful love. From the heights of heaven, you have ordained perfection;

O God, it is not enough that I should call on you, I fall o Lord on my knees, humbly seeking your way. Have mercy on me Lord, have mercy, for in my sin-filled days, I forget you Have mercy on me and forgive me all my ways; cleanse me and robe me Lord in your praise For this is my will; to do your will, o God!

As spring is new; so my soul longs for the face of God As summer warms and bakes the earth; so my heart craves and thirsts, for the praises of my God. Create in me o God, a spirit willing to serve; suffer me not to listen to the world, but to hear your voice. From on High o Lord, heed my humble seeking; from on high o Lord, bend down and attend to my call. Make haste to help me Lord, for I am poor and alone; ruthless enemies surround me; in You, God, I trust Have mercy on me Lord, have mercy; for in all my ways I am proud and disdainful. Have mercy on me Lord, for I am selfish and conceited; a sinner from birth. Wash me clean in your light; clothe me o Lord in your garments of praise; This is my will; to do your will, o God!

As morning breaks and sings of your glory; so my soul seeks the face of God As dawn fills the air with fragrance sweet; so my heart desires, even longs for, the face of my God. Open to me Lord your hands of mercy and love; suffer me not to be separated from you any longer, Draw me into your embrace, that my soul, restless, shall find its rest in God my Savior. Have mercy on me o Lord, have mercy, for though I am steeped in sin, my fickle heart is yours to command Make me present to your Presence o God; fill me with your compassion. Undying Love, Faithful Spouse; into your hands I commit my soul; into your hands I lay down my life It is my will; to do your will, O God!

As night falls I give thanks to my God; for His glory illumines the heavens. I give you thanks o God, for your goodness to me. To the lost such as I am, you are our Rock; to the lonely, you are our Steadfast Shield of Hope O God, have mercy on me; for I do not understand what I do; thinking myself better, I find I am worse O God, have mercy on me; forgive my sins of pride and arrogance; forgive my judgment of others. Grant to me o Lord, compassion that I too may be compassionate. Grant to me o Lord, mercy that I may be merciful and just Lead me o Lord through this valley of tears; This is my will, to do your will, O God!

As spring buds give way to summer flowers So my soul longs for and waits on, my God In my youth I was brash and foolish, like the wild. March winds that race through mountains. In my youth I was arrogant and cynical, like the ocean in its mighty roar. My soul is longing for you Lord; my heart is yearning, striving for, the presence of my God. How my restless life does seek the mercies of the Lord Humble servant that I am, I come o Lord to you, in your mercy receive me, draw me near Make me know the pleasures of your redeeming love It is my will; to do your will, o God!

Praise Him

Lift up your voice to the Lord! Give God thanks and praise!  His mighty works are glorious to behold; His delight is in His love, enduring forever, His is the earth and all it contains, the universe and all the stars, He made them, they are His.

 Lift up to the Lord a song of praise! Give praise to the Lord for His mercies new every morning; Day by day, our God is with us; He it is who guides our steps; He loves us with an unfailing love, Give God thanks and praise; His wonderful works are ever before us.  He prepares a table in the desert for us; He gives us cool water to ease our thirst.  Our God is mighty and powerful; wonderful to save! Lift up your voice and give Him thanks, Everlasting is His Praise! Sing to the Lord a new song; lavish Him with heartfelt praise! Tell of His great love for all people, Stars of heaven give God praise; birds of morning sing to Him songs of praise; Moon and sun reflect His glory; earth and skies give God thanks! Our God is a God of compassion and mercy; our God is a God of love, Mountains and valleys give God thanks; oceans and seas give God praise.

Let everything that has the breath of life, praise the Eternal King. O God, how wonderful you are in all your ways; all creation bows before you; Lord, have mercy on us, With great longing and yearning my heart cries out to you; teach us your ways!  Your word is love; let my heart be filled to overflowing with the goodness and mercy of the Lord, I will lift up my voice at dawn, I will give God thanks and praise; at night I will praise you with my prayers, I will sing to you Lord a song of praise; with unfailing love God is with us; He is our Rock!Everlasting is His Praise!

Bring to the Lord all your cares and concerns; on eagles wings He will bear us up; He cares for us, Lift up your voice and give God thanks; His love, endures all times and seasons; Everlasting is His Praise!  Sing praise to the Lord! Give Him thanks and praise; His great love sustains us; Everlasting is His Reign!

Call On The Lord

I will call on you Lord, for you are my Strength, my Portion, and my Shield; I will call on you, and You will save me from destruction at the hands of my enemies, I will call on you Lord and as far as the east is from the west and north from south, you will hearYou will come to my aid and deliver me, for you are God, my Savior.

All my trust is in you! I will wake the morning with songs of praise, the Living God is before me, faithful and true, I will sing to the Lord with a glad heart, make music on the flute and tambourine.  I will proclaim to the mountains the wonders of our God, for He has been good to me.  He has set my feet on solid ground, made new my soul with His everlasting love and grace.  I will wake the dawn with praise to the Lord; I will thank Him for all that I am and have, All my hope is in Him! Come, let us worship the Lord together; let us give God thanks and praise!

From the rising of the sun, to the setting of the night skies, our God is King!  His love is forever; His mercy like rain washes clean my heart, o God you are Wonderful.  Mighty and terrible is the wrath of the Lord; gentle and compassionate is His Love, I will bless the Lord for His abundant mercy and goodness; I will bless Him with my praise.  All my life I give Him! God be our stronghold; God be our deliverer; God be our Tower of mercy and love!

Open wide the heavenly gates, that our praises, like incense, may rise to you, I trust in the Lord and His abundant mercy; I trust in His bountiful grace, O God of all eternity, to you I come, calling on your name with love and praise, Your goodness is eternal, your love is forever! Walk with me and be my God, my Savior!

I Will Wake

I will awake the dawn with praise to the Lord! I will speak of His goodness forever! His loving hand has held me; His strong right arm has delivered me from death. He is my God, my hope is in Him. I will praise the day with countless thanks for the glory of the Lord is present before me. He has been my strong fortress in the winter; He has lifted up my eyes in spring.


He has made of me an instrument formed in His image, made in His likeness, He is LoveI will praise the Lord all my days; His love is forever! I will call on the name of the Lord by evening fire. I will tell of His goodness to me to all people; I will make known His countless deeds of love, In the House of the Lord will I extol His Name; in the House of the Lord.

I will give God praise, I will praise the Lord for He is merciful and just; He is my Savior, in Him I place all my trust I will go to sleep at night with my heart full of praise; the LORD is my Rock! Overflowing words of love shall pour from my lips as my soul finds ease,O Lord, how wonderful, the works of your hands; O Lord, how great you are! His is the glory of morning; his the song of summer wind and breeze. His the beauty of the gliding butterfly and the melody of the robin in the tree, O Lord, how wonderful you are! Unfaithful as I am, your love is ever before me.

I will praise the Lord, for His goodness is everlasting, shining like the noon day sun. O God, you are my God! Though everything I know become dust, I will praise you. For your goodness is eternal; your love everlasting! Happy is the one who is blessed in praising God, for theirs is the Kingdom of heaven! I will awake the dawn with praise to the Lord; with a glad heart. I will give my God this day; Blessed be the Name of the Lord!

Bless The Lord

I will bless the Lord all my days; my voice will always give praise to His love; He has been my rock; He has become my salvation and my shield, Into His hands I lay down my life; taking up the cross. He lovingly gives, I am confident in this; the Lord is ever with me; His love strengthens my soulI will give praise to God for His goodness to me; His love is forever!

Come my friend, let us walk together and speak of the glory of God; His love is the light of morning waking the land and sea. Mountains and rivers bow before Him; leaf and blossom bend in His passing before them. I will bless the Lord all my days; my lips will always speak of His wonderful love; To God who is glorious in power and might I give my praise; to Him I give my heart, I am assured in this; with God before me, who can be against me, He is my hope and my delight; in His mercies are from everlasting to everlasting!

I will bless the Lord all my days; my life I surrender into His hands of love; He has become my savior; He has filled my soul with wonder and my heart with love, This is the day the Lord has made; I will be glad in all things, serving Him with praise. Into His hands I lay down my cares and concerns; His love surrounds me I am certain of this; the Lord has delivered me from all sorrow and all my sins, I will give praise to God for His loving kindness; His love is forever!

The Lord trains my hands for battle; He gives my heart courage against my foes; Great is the Lord! With steadfast love He defends me, I am confident of this; the Lord is my Shepherd. His word goes out and does not return to Him void, but fills every soul with hope; He is my God and I praise Him; my Lord and I adore Him, I will give thanks to the Lord all my days; His love is forever! Come my friend, let us praise the Lord together, His goodness is forever! My friend; let us walk together, speaking of His love and recalling His goodness and love; May the peace of the Lord descend upon our souls and give light to our hearts.

God, ever faithful and true; be with us! God, all-knowing and glorious; fill us with your love; To you o Lord, be all the honor and glory! To you o God, we lift our voices in praise, Your kindness and mercy are forever! Your love reaches from the ends of the earth You, o God, have saved me from death and brought me into the light of your glorious love You are my joy in every sorrow; my peace in every trial; o God, how great you are!

I Sing To The Lord With All My Heart

I sing to the Lord with all my heart, for He  has become my Savior! Morning by morning, he bids my soul rise and give God praise, His wonderful works are ever before us Dawn is His glory; day is His praise; noon is His rest; Afternoon in fiery blaze is His song; evening His melody, Night is His beauty and delight; there is no God like our God, I sing to the Lord with all my heart, for He is my Rock and my delight!

With the morning comes great joy; give God thanks and praise!His mighty hand has lifted from my brow, weakness and sorrow,His great love is ever before us Mountains shine with His radiance; rivers run to the seas; Springs delight in filling meadows; rains dance on leaves, Snow makes white the land; fall leaves are beautiful to behold, In every place my eye can see, the glory of the Lord is present; His love is forever! I sing to the Lord with all my heart, He is my salvation!

I will praise the Lord all my life, for His goodness is ever before me! Day by day He teaches me His way; He leads me to His Side with love His glory is ever before us In the rising of the sun He sets forth His love with joy In the noon day blaze He reminds us of His powerful love In the cool of night, His delight is to cover His children with peace I will praise the Lord all my life, for He is my Rock and my song!

On a hill far away, on a climb I have yet to have made, a cross awaits On this steep and arduous trek I walk, the Lord is at my sideHe is my strength and my defense; He is my hope in all things His wonderful love is ever before us Though evil surround us on every side; our God is with us! In every season He is with me, guiding my steps and marking my way I sing to the Lord with love, as I gaze upon the cross; His goodness is forever!

Day by day He bids me rise; gives my heart its song of praise, His strong right hand opens the way before meHis light is the Light of love and my soul finds great ease, I will sing to the Lord with all my heart, I will praise Him all my days, Morning by morning He is with me; night by night His love covers me His wonderful works are ever before us Let us give God thanks and praise!

The Lord is my Shepherd; He leads me through every trial and strife, He is my strong support in every hour of life, As I walk through this vale of tears, tripping and falling at times, I trust in His mercy and loveThe Lord is at my side; He comforts my soul and gives my heart its refuge, His wonderful love is ever before me, I will sing to the Lord with all my heart, His goodness is forever!

My Lord and my God! I am yours! Morning by morning, renew my soul; restore my heart its joy, Walk with me Lord through every moment, Speak to my heart o Lord your word of love You prepare a banquet before me, bringing forth the harvest of my soul, Wash me clean Lord and robe me in clothes of your unfailing love and righteousness, Give my soul it’s refreshing; make known to me the path of Life; I will obey your commands,Your wonderful love is ever before us

O God, you are my God! Forever will I sing praise to your Name! You have saved me and my soul is glad; you have made my heart your dwelling place, I will sing to the Lord all my days, I will gladly give God thanks and praise!There is no god like our God! His mercy is forever! Amen!