
Post-exilic prophecies concerning the restoration of Israel, a triumphant king humbly riding a donkey, and God’s final victory.


Olive Trees

God’s anointed leaders are like
two olive trees
(Zech 4:11-14)

Zechariah prophesied in Jerusalem about 520-518 BC, not long after some Jews had returned from exile in Babylon. He was a contemporary of Haggai.

Zech 1-8 consists of visions of Jerusalem’s restoration.  A vision of a divine horeseman announces that God will unsettle the nations and restore Jerusalem.  Another vision first depicted Joshua the high priest dressed in filthy clothing, which represented Israel’s guilt. But Joshua was then given fine clothing, symbolizing restoration. According to Zechariah, God would send a Davidic servant known as the “Branch,” who would usher peace and prosperity so that people would invite each other to sit under their vines and fig trees. The visions depicted the community’s leaders, Joshua the priest and Zerubbabel the governor, as olive trees, since they were the anointed of the Lord.

Zech 9-14 contains oracles about the coming day of the Lord’s victory. These oracles differ in tone and content from the visions. They announce the coming of God the warrior and a king who will bring peace. Faithless leaders among the people are rebuked. The book culminates with an oracle concerning the day when the Lord will triumph over Israel’s adversaries, and all who remain will worship God in Jerusalem.

Zech 1:13-17 – Hope of restoration
Zech 9:9-10 – King of peace

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