
Book recounting the prophet’s call vision in the heavenly throne room, condemnation of injustice, the Immanuel promise, and the hope of return for exiles.



A shoot shall come from the
stump of Jesse (Isa 11:1)

Isa 1-39 contains oracles by Isaiah and narratives about his life.   Isaiah lived in and around Jerusalem during the late seventh century BC, when the Assyrians were conquering the northern part of the country.  The first part of the book summarizes the prophet’s message (Isa 1-5). He condemns Israel’s injustice and misguided trust in ritual, and calls the people to repent. He compares the sins of Judah to fine vineyard producing only wild grapes. Isaiah is called by God through a vision of the heavenly throne room. He tells King Ahaz not to fear pressure from Israel and Syria for they will fall to the Assyrians (Isa 6-8). Isaiah promises that God will raise up a righteous king and judge the nations that oppose Israel (Isa 9-35). God delivers Jerusalem from the Assyrians and heals King Hezekiah of an illness, although Hezekiah’s naive trust in the Babylonians portended the future fall of Jerusalem.

Isaiah 40-66 offers encouragement to those living at the end of the exile. Those who have gone into exile can take comfort (40:1) for their time of servitude will end when the Persian king Cyrus conquers the nations (45:1). God is Lord over all.

Isa 2 – Swords into plowshares
Isa 6 – Call of Isaiah
Isa 7 – Immanuel
Isa 11 – Shoot from Jesse’s stem
Isa 40 – Comfort, comfort my people
Isa 53 – Suffering servant


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