
Book including visions of God’s throne chariot, and valley of dry bones.

Ezekiel Bones

Prophesy to the bones and say, “You shall live”
(Ezek 37:4-5)

Ezek 1-32 contains warnings of judgment.  Ezekiel is a priest who is among those taken into exile in 597 BC, a decade before the Babylonians destroy Jerusalem. His prophecies are given from Babylonia. The first part of the book contains oracles and actions of Ezekiel from his call in 593 BC until the fall of Jerusalem in 587. Ezekiel begins to prophesy after a vision in which he saw God’s throne chariot and was given a scroll to eat (Ezek 1-3). He has visions of idolatrous worship in the Temple and of God’s glory departing from Jerusalem (Ezek 8-11). He calls people to turn from sin. When his wife dies he bears it silently, as the people will have to bear the loss of Jerusalem.

Ezek 33-45 contains promises of restoration.  After the fall of Jerusalem in 587 BC, the prophet promises that God will shepherd his people (Ezek 34) and restore them, like dry bones coming back to life (Ezek 37). A vision of a restored city and sanctuary concludes the book.

Ezek 2:1-10 – Call of Ezekiel
Ezek 18:1-4 – Individual responsibility
Ezek 37:1-27 – Valley of the dry bones


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