
Recounts the deliverance of Israel out of Egypt, the giving of the law on Mt. Sinai, and the building of the tabernacle.


Mount Sinai

The Law was given
on Mount Sinai

Mountain traditionally
called Sinai

Exod 1-6 recounts the early life and call of Moses.  The descendants of Joseph who had migrated to Egypt are enslaved by the Egyptians.  It is decreed that their male children should be killed, but Moses is placed in a basket in the Nile River.  Pharaoh’s daughter finds him and raises him in the royal house (Exod 1-2).  Later Moses flees after slaying an Egyptian, but God sends him to demand that Pharaoh let the people go (Exod 3-6).

Exod 7-15 narrates Israel’s exodus from Egypt.  When Pharaoh refuses to release Israel, God sends ten plagues upon the Egyptians. First, Moses turns the Nile to blood, but Pharaoh’s magicians did the same. Other plagues follow. For the last plague, the firstborn in every Egyptian home perished, although the Israelites who put lamb’s blood around their doors were spared. Finally, Pharaoh lets the people go and God’s presence goes before them in a pillar of cloud and fire. Suddenly, Pharaoh changes his mind and sends his army in pursuit. As the Israelites come to the sea, God parts the waters and allows them to escape, but the waters surge back over Pharaoh’s chariots and the people are saved.

Exod 16-40 takes Israel to Mount Sinai.  After the exodus, the Israelites travel through a desert, complaining for lack of food. God gives them manna to eat each day–although when some try to hoard the manna it spoils. The people complain about thirst, and God provides water from a rock.  At Mount Sinai, God gives them the Law and covenant. Moses establishes the covenant by spattering sacrificial blood on the people and the altar. When Moses returns to the mountain, the people make a golden calf to worship.  God is angry and Moses shatters the tablets on which the Laws are written. Then Moses intercedes and God renews the covenant (Exod 25-34).  Afterward, a sanctuary — known as the Tent of Meeting or Tabernacle — is built so that the people can worship rightly (Exod 35-40).


Exod 3 – Call of Moses
Exod 14 – Escape through the sea
Exod 20 – Ten commandments

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