2 Kings

Recounts Elisha’s activities and the fall of Samaria and Jerusalem.


Assyrian Soldier

Assyrians captured Samaria and
threatened Jerusalem

Assyrian soldier
Relief from 8th – 7th cent. B.C.

2 Kings 1-13 centers on the prophet Elisha. Elisha accompanies Elijah to the Jordan River, where Elijah is swept into heaven in a whirlwind.  Elisha works miracles and anoints new leaders Hazael and Jehu over Syria and Israel.  These leaders defeat the ruling house of Ahab and Jezebel, which had promoted foreign worship in Israel.  The section concludes with Elisha’s death.

2 Kings 14-17 chronicles Israel’s history until the fall of Samaria.   After several more kings reign in Israel and Judah, the Assyrians conquer Samaria, the capital of the northern kingdom, in 722 BC.  Many Israelites go into exile and the Assyrians settle colonists from other nations in central Palestine.  This region becomes known as Samaria.

2 Kings 18-25 continues the story of the southern kingdom until the fall of Jerusalem.  King Hezekiah reforms Israel’s worhip and is delivered from a siege by the Assyrians, but several of his successors revert to idolatry.  King Josiah also undertakes reforms, but is killed in battle.   Within a generation the Babylonians capture Jerusalem and destroy the Temple.

2 Kings 2:1-18 – Elijah and the fiery chariot
2 Kings 17 – Fall of Samaria
2 Kings 18:1-8 – Hezekiah’s reforms
2 Kings 23 – Josiah’s reforms
2 Kings 25 – Fall of Jerusalem

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