
Explores the question of God and human suffering.



The Lord answered Job out of the whirlwind
(Job 38:1)

Job 1-2 tells of Job’s affliction.  God allows Satan to test Job, a righteous man.  Through no fault of his own Job loses his family, wealth, and his health.

Job 3-37 consists of three cycles of dialogues concerning divine justice.   Job has three friends who come to comfort him.  They argue that people suffer because of wrongdoing.  Therefore, Job must be afflicted because of what he or his children have done.  Job rejects this idea and insists that his suffering is undeserved and therefore unjust.  A fourth friend concludes the cycles by arguing that God uses pain to bring repentance.

Job 38-41 relates God’s response.  God shows Job the wonders of creation. While Job is preoccupied with his own suffering, God cares for the whole created order in ways that Job cannot fathom.

Job 42 tells of Job’s repentance and restoration.  Job turns from his accusations against God and prays that God will be merciful to his friends.  In the end, Job is blessed with a new family, wealth, and long life.

Job 1 – Disaster comes upon Job
Job 38 – God questions Job
Job 42 – Job is restored

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