To You O God

As rain falls on parched land; so my soul cries out to you, God As winter snows purify; so my heart longs for, even yearns for, the courts of my God. Create in me O God, a steadfast and certain surety, make of me o Lord, an instrument of your will From the heights of heaven, you have declared your bountiful love. From the heights of heaven, you have ordained perfection;

O God, it is not enough that I should call on you, I fall o Lord on my knees, humbly seeking your way. Have mercy on me Lord, have mercy, for in my sin-filled days, I forget you Have mercy on me and forgive me all my ways; cleanse me and robe me Lord in your praise For this is my will; to do your will, o God!

As spring is new; so my soul longs for the face of God As summer warms and bakes the earth; so my heart craves and thirsts, for the praises of my God. Create in me o God, a spirit willing to serve; suffer me not to listen to the world, but to hear your voice. From on High o Lord, heed my humble seeking; from on high o Lord, bend down and attend to my call. Make haste to help me Lord, for I am poor and alone; ruthless enemies surround me; in You, God, I trust Have mercy on me Lord, have mercy; for in all my ways I am proud and disdainful. Have mercy on me Lord, for I am selfish and conceited; a sinner from birth. Wash me clean in your light; clothe me o Lord in your garments of praise; This is my will; to do your will, o God!

As morning breaks and sings of your glory; so my soul seeks the face of God As dawn fills the air with fragrance sweet; so my heart desires, even longs for, the face of my God. Open to me Lord your hands of mercy and love; suffer me not to be separated from you any longer, Draw me into your embrace, that my soul, restless, shall find its rest in God my Savior. Have mercy on me o Lord, have mercy, for though I am steeped in sin, my fickle heart is yours to command Make me present to your Presence o God; fill me with your compassion. Undying Love, Faithful Spouse; into your hands I commit my soul; into your hands I lay down my life It is my will; to do your will, O God!

As night falls I give thanks to my God; for His glory illumines the heavens. I give you thanks o God, for your goodness to me. To the lost such as I am, you are our Rock; to the lonely, you are our Steadfast Shield of Hope O God, have mercy on me; for I do not understand what I do; thinking myself better, I find I am worse O God, have mercy on me; forgive my sins of pride and arrogance; forgive my judgment of others. Grant to me o Lord, compassion that I too may be compassionate. Grant to me o Lord, mercy that I may be merciful and just Lead me o Lord through this valley of tears; This is my will, to do your will, O God!

As spring buds give way to summer flowers So my soul longs for and waits on, my God In my youth I was brash and foolish, like the wild. March winds that race through mountains. In my youth I was arrogant and cynical, like the ocean in its mighty roar. My soul is longing for you Lord; my heart is yearning, striving for, the presence of my God. How my restless life does seek the mercies of the Lord Humble servant that I am, I come o Lord to you, in your mercy receive me, draw me near Make me know the pleasures of your redeeming love It is my will; to do your will, o God!

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