Month: September 2012

How Did We Get The Bible?

Books of the Bible were written by different individuals and reflect their individual styles and circummstances. Yet the words they penned accurately convey the message that God intended to communicate. The first 39 books of the Bible were called the Old Testament. They were mostly written in Hebrew, although parts of Daniel and Ezra were written in Aramaic a related language. The Jewish people regarded these books as sacred, and they meticulously copied them word or word, with every care taken to avoid transcription errors. About a 100 years before Christ, the Old Testament was translated into Greek.

The 27 books of the New Testament were written in Greek between about AD 40 and AD 95, and they were quickly recongnized by believers as sacred. A number of individuals authored these books. Chapter and verse divisions were added much later to make it easier to find and remember the location of the specific teachings. Most modern English translations of the Bible take great care to accurately express in our own language the meaning of the Hebrew and Greek so we to can understand Gods message.

What is Unique About The Bible?

The bible is a collection of 66 individual books written by many different people over the span of nearly 1,500 years. Yet this one book, sharing one life-changing message. The bible claims that its message is from God himself, More than 2,600 times the writers of the Bible claim to speak or write God’s words not their own.